ABMS Direct Connect® Select
ABMS Direct Connect® Select data service provides access to the ABMS database through select credentialing software systems*. With this API tool, users can search the database for multiple providers and have the current board certification data returned to their platform.
- Direct API access: One user login linked to an individual’s email to access the ABMS database
- Multiple query tiers: 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000 and Unlimited options available
- Automated ABMS data population: Prepopulate fields in your credentialing software database to simplify and integrate workflow
- Primary Source Verification: Data results with board certification effective and expiration dates, as well as complete physician certification history and Maintenance of Certification information (meets the requirements of NCQA, The Joint Commission, URAC, and other accrediting organizations)
- 24 ABMS Member Boards: Access to nearly one million physicians certified by one or more of 38 specialties and 89 subspecialties
*NOTE: Does NOT provide manual access to CertiFACTS Online website.
Credentialing software access currently available through HealthStream, MD Staff, and symplr with ability to integrate board certification data.