ABMS Board Certification Data
The ABMS certification database is the central repository for information on nearly one million board certified doctors who are certified by an ABMS Member Board. It is the only credentialing resource that is updated daily with information from the 24 ABMS certifying Member Boards.
The boards provide information to ABMS after a certification exam is given. Exams are given during different times of year and in some cases, exam years alternate. Physicians also may request an update to be made.
After a physician takes the certifying exam for the first time, the Member Board sends the exam data to ABMS where it is checked and then uploaded to the ABMS certification database. Once complete, the data is accessible through the ABMS Solutions’ product set and ABMS Solutions licensees. Data resulting from a physician search is displayed in the ABMS Board Certification Credentials Profile.
ABMS Board Certification Report
The ABMS Board Certification Report is an annual publication containing information and data about the certification programs administered by the ABMS Member Boards. It reflects a combination of information reported by the boards and point-in-time data from the ABMS certification database.
The Report explains basic information about the certificates offered by the boards, and the requirements for initial certification and maintaining certification. It also provides trending information about the number of specialty and subspecialty certifications issued, as well as a geographic snapshot of the active certificates held by ABMS Member Board certified physicians.